Friday, February 16, 2007

Responsabilitate sociala in Iasi

Eu sustin aceasta activitate:

Actiune de colectare si donatie de carte pentru copiii din orfelinate si centre de plasament din Iasi.

“Daca ai acasa carti pentru copii si tineri (pana la 18 ani) - carti de povesti, de colorat, beletristica sau de specialitate (manuale scolare sau carti de nivel de scoala primara / liceu) - de care te poti desparti ca sa bucuri sufletul unui copil,SI TU POTI OFERI O CARTE!

Cartile se vor colecta:Duminica, 04.03.2007, intre orele 11:00 si 14:00, in FEAA, la parter (corpul B al Universitatii). Daca nu ne vedeti/gasiti dati un telefon pe 0746 909 202."

Haideti sa promovam aceasta initiativa frumoasa si sa ajutam copii!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blog IS meeting part Reloaded

Thursday : 15.02.2007
Art-cafe (If anybody has other solution i'm in)
Hour: 18:00 o'clock (we changed the hour because of the match Steaua -FC Sevilia)

I know that bloggers from Iasi had a meeting on November but me&Andrei want to meet you again and discuss about some projects and ideas that we have.

Who's in?

For those interested I'm waiting for a confirmation here at comments. Spread the news around in the blogsphere world:)

Ps: One of the themes can be "Blog about Iasi". A blog where to present our city in 2007, built together(photos, comments about city problems, events that take place in our city in 2007 , stories about Iasi, interviews with different personalities about old "Iasi" ....BRAND IASI!

What do you think? We can do it?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tiesto my favourite DJ

I like house music and Tiesto is my favourite DJ.My winamp is playing Just be. It's a great saturday morning that inspires me to think and reflect about the IMPACT I want to have in this world!

Just Be

..I was lost..
and I'm still lost
but I feel so...
..much better...

You can travel the world
But you can't run away
From the person you are in your heart
You can be who you want to be
Make us believe in you
Keep all your light in the dark
If You're searching for truth
You must look in the mirror
And make sense of what you can see
Just be
Just be

They say learning to love yourself
Is the first step
That you take when you want to be real
Flying on planes to exotic locations
Won't teach you
How you really feel
Face up to the fact
That you are who you are
And nothing can change that belief
Just be

Cause now I know
It's not so far
To were I go
The hardest part is inside me
I need
To just be
Just be
I was lost
And I'm still lost
But I feel so much better

Cause now I know
It's not so far
To were I go
The hardest part is inside me
I need
To just be

Just be

Storm of thougts

It's saturday morning and I woke up at 7:00 o'clock. It's very strange for me to wake up at this hour on saturday morning. Even if I have exam today that is at 17:00 o'clock.

Something strange is happening with me. Maybe I'm tired of learning but my soul is like a storm of thoughts and I'm eagerly waiting to finish the exam session to Start the new path in my life. Since I left AIESEC I was searching for opportunities and ways of unleashing my potential. I've discovered many interesting things in the real life and I'm sure that this year I will have a great IMPACT on everything I do.

Learning for exams made me reflect about Education. It was time to think how can I change something in the educational system in Romania, How can I have an Impact for the new generation of young people that are playing computer games instead reading books..

I'm so afraid about the new generation ... they have the tools but they don't use them efficiently. I was thinking if I can make a change I must start from the lowest level...kindergarten and maybe private school! I know that it's early to talk about such dreams but I'm sure that the IMPACT I want to have in this world is related to community!

Ya IT's Time to Think and ACT...all of us must realize that we must have an impact in the educational system. Only together we can change something and make a better system. It is said, it's one of the mainstays of the civilisation. It brings us the knowledge that can relieve world suffering and is further yet present in change, plight and rebuilding. It generates the gaps which is meant to close. For some it is the highest ambition , for others a necesarry evil.

I talk about education!

This is the first part about my storm of thoughts related to EDUCATION! I need to go and study because I have 2 more exams and after I'm free to reflect and share my storm of thougts. I need to make an essay about about education in relation with the motto "Time to think"

Till then: "Live as if you will die tomorrow, but learn as if you will live forever" (Gandhi)