In the mood of posting nice things I find on the internet. Maybe there will be useful for other people also.
Via my dear Anca
In the mood of posting nice things I find on the internet. Maybe there will be useful for other people also.
Via my dear Anca
Exactly one year ago i was flying for the first time. I took the plane from Bucharest in the morning and after few hours I arrived in Dortmund ( that was happening on 30th of May 2007). After that I switched 6-7 trains in order to arrive in Ilmenau.
There I had an amazing time being part of ISWI -International Student week . Together with 400 people from around 80 countries we started to build a vision regarding education. It was time to think for most of the people: what can we do to have a better educational system, how we as teenagers can change something, how we can act to have a better world. It was common understanding, it was about dreaming and feelings, it was about diversity.
Remembering good old times and missing those amazing feelings! It was one of the most intensive experiences I had till now.
si premiile principale:
Premiile au constat in memory stickuri,diplome, precum si tricourile serii. S-a discutat ca de obicei despre politica, bani din bloguri, SEO, jocuri. Visurat ne-a aratat statisticile blogului personal si ne-a facut fotografii frumoase cu scula lui.
Dany a fost vedeta serii pentru ca ne-a dat ceata cu cunostintele lui in materie de blogging dar si pentru faptul ca a ramas cu ceilalti pana la 23:00. All in all a fost o atmosfera frumoasa si ma bucur ca incet-incet incercam sa devenim o comunitate unita.
I'm happy i was part of this global event. I'll post my impresions preety soon regarding this worldwide event. I'm happy because together with my team we managed to organize Pangea day in Iasi. It was an amazing achievement for us!
Dreaming of changing the world day by day. "Be the change you want to see in the world"
Kenya sings for India! Uniting people through the power of film...on 10th May!
later edit: Sala Gaudeamus, 10 mai 2008, ora 21:00 Casa de cultura a studentilor!
Sunt filme necunoscute dar care au un mesaj puternic care va fi trimis catre cei prezenti. Filmele nu pot schimba lumea dar cei care se uita la ele pot schimba lumea. Bringing people together! 4 hours ..24 films&live performance!
Mai multe informatii legate de filme aici
In afara de filme vor fi musical performers si speekeri vizionari. Imaginati-va o zi cand lumea este conectata in acelasi moment prin acelasi program.
One day.One issue.Thousands of voices. Together. In order to change the world!