Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goal setting

The goal setting process is very important and at the end of the year everybody sets goals.

If you take the time to identify your true life and career goals, and work out how you're going to achieve them, you're much, much more likely to succeed! With properly set goals, you can work steadily to realize the dreams that are important to you, and start living the positive, passionate, energized life that you’ve always wanted. With all the distractions of other things, how else will your dreams get the attention they need?

I was reading about goal setting lately and I enjoyed a simple 5-step process for setting goals:

1 Reflect on yourself at the best
2 Explore your dreams
3 Focus on your passion
4 Set powerful goals ... Dream big
5 Organize yourself for success

I was delivering a training about "My personal vision and my personal values" important is to have a vision that will help you succed in life...With your vision u can easily set goals! U know where do you want to go but you have only to set the proper steps to get close to your vision!

It depends on everybody if they want to set goals...In my opinion this process is very important and it can make you a better year..knowing where are you heading for and the IMPACT you want to have on that year. Goal setting is a powerful tool to motivate yourself to turn your vision into reality!

In the last 3 years I was setting goals and at the end of the year reading my resolution for that year I was impressed to see that most of the things I've set happened...

Goal setting techniques are used by most of the people in different fields as I was saying:business people, top-level athletes and achievers in all fields. Setting goals can help you organize better your time and your resources so that you can make the things happen.

It's very important at the beginning of the process to think at the "Big picture" of what you want to do with your life and the large-goals you want to achieve. After that you can break this big goals into smaller targets that it's more easily to reach. Once you have the plan you can start to make things happen.

When setting goals is important to think of all important fields in your life, try to set goals in some of these categories.
  • Artistic:Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? If so, what?

  • Attitude:Is any part of your mindset holding you back? Is there any part of the way that you behave that upsets you? If so, set a goal to improve your behavior or find a solution to the problem.

  • Career:What level do you want to reach in your career?

  • Education:Is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular? What information and skills will you need to achieve other goals?

  • Family:Do you want to be a parent? If so, how are you going to be a good parent? How do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your extended family?

  • Financial:How much do you want to earn by what stage?

  • Physical:Are there any athletic goals you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this?

  • Pleasure:How do you want to enjoy yourself? - you should ensure that some of your life is for you!

  • Public Service:Do you want to make the world a better place? If so, how?
It takes time to set goals because you have to braistorm. You have to choose and select your goals carefuly. It's important to set SMART goals (make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound)

Make sure that the goals that you have set are the ones that reflect you the best not the ones your parents, family, friends migh want.

Goal setting is an important method of:
  • Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life;

  • Separating what is important from what is irrelevant, or a distraction;

  • Motivating yourself;

  • Building your self-confidence, based on successful achievement of goals

Good luck in setting your goals for 2008!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

HI-Q la Iasi

HI-Q trupa mea favorita au cantat aseara la Iasi. A fost o petrecere privata pentru BRD. Primul concert pe anul asta al trupei in Iasi s-a bucurat de un succes deosebit in ciuda faptului ca nu au fost conditii excelente legate de sunet. Dar atmosfera a fost de nota 10+ ... lumea s-a distrat si a dansat alaturi de HI-Q!
A fost o placere sa ma reintalnesc cu bunii mei prieteni Mihai, Florin, Nico, DJ Star precum si cu noua trupa de instrumentisti pe care i-am cunoscut si care fac parte deja din marea familie HI-Q dar si cu prietenul Nicoletei.

In formula 100% live HI-Q suna matur, un sound care te face sa visezi si sa traiesti cei 11 ani de hituri, momente placute pe care le-ai trait pe muzica lor. M-am bucurat ca am avut ocazia sa-i vad in noua formula si sper ca in 2008 sa-i vad mai des prin Iasi sau prin alte parti in tara.

Un alt lucru pozitiv a fost ca ne-am distrat dupa concert. Nu au fost nevoiti sa plece la hotel sa se odihneasca si erau intr-o buna dispozitie de petrecere. Astfel dupa concert am ramas la petrecerea BRD si am petrecut cu totii.

Later edit:Multe femei frumoase pe cativa centimetri vazut-o si eu la fel ca si Florin dar din pacate a plecat prea repede...poate daca as fi actionat .... altfel ar fi fost problema si nu ar fi plecat!

Multumesc prieteni! A fost o seara frumoasa alaturi de voi.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The 7 Secrets of Highly Successful People

Alex, your secret to success is to be Enthusiastic

Your zeal for life can be infectious because you tend to take on the things you do with fervor and passion. You also place value on being well liked and developing and maintaining good work relationships.

Your positive energy and attitude can be an inspiration to co-workers. They likely feel that your presence makes the workweek go by much more easily. When problems do arise around the office, you might find that you are one of the first people called upon to resolve them.

Your diplomatic nature can make you a natural when it comes to conflict resolution because you seek ways to keep all parties satisfied. This skill can make you a popular leader. By keeping long-term ambitions in mind, you realize that fair policies make for good business.

Projecting positivity wherever you go is a quality that is not easily acquired by others. More than most, you have a knack for saying the right thing at the right time.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Handball World Championship France 2007

Today Romania won over Spain with the score 32-19. Romania has 5 victories until now at Handball World Championship in France.

Romania got 3 victories over China, Poland, and Tunisia in the first phase that made Romania get the first position in the group.

Romania got 2 victories over South Korea and Spain in the second phase.Tomorrow we will play against Hungary and Germany for the last game.

We are qualified in quarter finals. Hope we will won the Championship. In 2005 Romania lost the final of the world championship against Russia.

Bloggers Meeting Number 5

Vineri seara in Cannabis(Best Club) a avut loc intalnirea cu numarul 5 a bloggerilor din Iasi.
Au fost prezenti: Marius, Gina, Hadess, Andrei, Ines, Alex, Catalin, Noni, Mary, Ana, Maddish, Marius.

In afara de acesti bloggeri ieseni au mai fost prezenti sotia lui Marius si 2 prieteni de-ai Ginei.

A fost o seara placuta. S-a incercat un networking mai bun intre bloggeri dar discutiile s-au axat in cele din urma pe partea de internet. Astfel a fost o discutie la inceput despre Youtube si s-a continuat cu Adsense, fotbal, politica (Cu Alex in rol principal),bani din blog (aici a fost o discutie interesanta), portaluri care iti pot aduce cu adevarat bani daca reusesti sa ai o idee originala si sa aduci ceva nou,, Google Analytics,etc.

Poze gasiti la Seedee care a venit branduit cu un tricou negru pe care puteam admira adresa blogului.

All in all a fost o seara placuta(mai putin partea de blitzuri de la aparatele foto). Sper ca data viitoare sa reusim sa ne adunam mult mai multi si sa reusim sa discutam despre un proiect comun al bloggerilor din Iasi. Oricum e bine ca incep sa se miste lucrurile si pe la noi.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Trust game

Last year in december I was trying to build a team in order to participate at Trust game.
Trust it's a management game based on an unique business case. Actually teams of 5 students takes up the role of Board Directors of a newly acquired company: they must set up a 3 year strategic plan and build trust of company stakeholders.

This game it's organized by Danone, and it's played in 12 countries (Turkey,Argentina,Brazil,Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia,Spain,Poland, Indonesia,China,Portugal,France).

The most important steps of the game:
  • November 29th, 13.00 : Meet you in Polytechnic University (Senate Meeting Room)
  • December 3rd, 14.00 : Meet you in ASE ( Agir Meeting Room) -Big Picture
  • December 2007: Applying period (the site will be open for enrollments)
  • February 2008: Trust Day competition - ONE DAY event to play the competition in teams -Hope we Will be There :)
  • March 2008: Romanian Final - ONE DAY event to explain your strategy and action plan to the Board of Directors in Danone factory- And also here:)
  • April 2008 10th-11th: International Final - A two days event with the winning teams of all participants countries with the participation of Frank Riboud, the Groupe DANONE president -And here:)

I'm confident we will pass the selection and we will have the chance to play Trust in February. This year my team is composed by 4 great girls...all of us were AIESEC-ers and actually we talk the same language. The brainstorming went well and our synergic minds are ready for this great challenge!

We started to build our team name and our motivation for participating in this game and I'm very happy about the great job we're doing till now.

More to come soon!

We want to experience today the way we will manage the future tomorrow!

Cel mai misto cadou

Tocmai am primit o leapsa de la Gina despre cel mai misto cadou pe care am putea sa-l primim. Este un concurs organizat de UPC special pentru bloggeri.

Se apropie sarbatorile de iarna dar inca nu mi-am facut un wishlist...ce-i drept stiu ca cel mai mult imi lipseste in momentul de fata un aparat foto digital. Aveam un Sony doar ca s-a stricat.
Sunt pasionat de fotografie si mi-as dori un aparat foto profesional pentru a putea surprinde mai bine diferitele aspecte ale vietii.

Cred ca cel mai potrivit cadou pentru mine ar fi un Canon Powershot S5 IS .

Mi-as mai dori o vacanta in Turcia sau in alta tara din ASIA sau America de Sud.

Dau mai departe leapsa la Andrei, Mono, Maddish, Andra, Andi.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

BlogMeeting -Friday 7.12.2007

De la Gina si de la Marius aflam despre o noua intalnire a bloggerilor din Iasi.
Cred ca este intalnirea cu numarul 4 sau 5(?) dupa ce Andrei a fost cel care le-a initiat pe primele.

M-am ocupat si eu de organizarea unei intalniri a bloggerilor din Iasi la care au fost prezenti Mono, Andrei, Maddish, Andreea, Claudiu, Ciprian, Alex si inca doua persoane parca.

Va asteptam Vineri, 7 decembrie , la ora 18:00 in Cannabis.

Se vrea a fi o intalnire informala, deci fara camasa, cravata sau atitudine ingamfata!

Cum zice si Gina, bem, vorbim, ne distram, poate si dansam.Se poate veni cu prietena / prietenul / sotia / sotul / fratele / sora sau alte persoane doritoare de distractie.Gina se ocupa de rezervare, deci anuntati, la mine sau la ea, care si cum veniti, sa stim!

Confirmati la Gina sau la Marius!
Sa speram ca de data asta o sa ne adunam mai multi!