Thursday, February 28, 2008

Earth hour day -29th March 2008

Earth hour 2007 was only in Sydney, Australia. This year Earh hour will be a global movement.

On 31 March 2007, more than 2 million Sydney businesses and households turned off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour - sending a powerful national and global message that it’s possible to take action on global warming.

At 8pm on 29 March 2008, Earth Hour goes global, with cities and towns around the world taking stand on the greatest threat our planet has ever.

Turning the lights off for Earth Hour is a great first step, but if you really want to see a difference, then make Earth Hour part of your everyday life.

Simple things like turning off appliances while not in use and switching your light globes to energy efficient bulbs, will all help us reach our goal of reducing our annual emissions by 5%. Even something as simple as turning out lights when you’re not in a room and switching to cleaner sources of electricity like “green power”, make a big difference.

I'm interested to promote this event in Iasi...if interested to help me leave a comment!
Let's make together a better world!

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