Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goal setting

The goal setting process is very important and at the end of the year everybody sets goals.

If you take the time to identify your true life and career goals, and work out how you're going to achieve them, you're much, much more likely to succeed! With properly set goals, you can work steadily to realize the dreams that are important to you, and start living the positive, passionate, energized life that you’ve always wanted. With all the distractions of other things, how else will your dreams get the attention they need?

I was reading about goal setting lately and I enjoyed a simple 5-step process for setting goals:

1 Reflect on yourself at the best
2 Explore your dreams
3 Focus on your passion
4 Set powerful goals ... Dream big
5 Organize yourself for success

I was delivering a training about "My personal vision and my personal values" important is to have a vision that will help you succed in life...With your vision u can easily set goals! U know where do you want to go but you have only to set the proper steps to get close to your vision!

It depends on everybody if they want to set goals...In my opinion this process is very important and it can make you a better year..knowing where are you heading for and the IMPACT you want to have on that year. Goal setting is a powerful tool to motivate yourself to turn your vision into reality!

In the last 3 years I was setting goals and at the end of the year reading my resolution for that year I was impressed to see that most of the things I've set happened...

Goal setting techniques are used by most of the people in different fields as I was saying:business people, top-level athletes and achievers in all fields. Setting goals can help you organize better your time and your resources so that you can make the things happen.

It's very important at the beginning of the process to think at the "Big picture" of what you want to do with your life and the large-goals you want to achieve. After that you can break this big goals into smaller targets that it's more easily to reach. Once you have the plan you can start to make things happen.

When setting goals is important to think of all important fields in your life, try to set goals in some of these categories.
  • Artistic:Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? If so, what?

  • Attitude:Is any part of your mindset holding you back? Is there any part of the way that you behave that upsets you? If so, set a goal to improve your behavior or find a solution to the problem.

  • Career:What level do you want to reach in your career?

  • Education:Is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular? What information and skills will you need to achieve other goals?

  • Family:Do you want to be a parent? If so, how are you going to be a good parent? How do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your extended family?

  • Financial:How much do you want to earn by what stage?

  • Physical:Are there any athletic goals you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this?

  • Pleasure:How do you want to enjoy yourself? - you should ensure that some of your life is for you!

  • Public Service:Do you want to make the world a better place? If so, how?
It takes time to set goals because you have to braistorm. You have to choose and select your goals carefuly. It's important to set SMART goals (make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound)

Make sure that the goals that you have set are the ones that reflect you the best not the ones your parents, family, friends migh want.

Goal setting is an important method of:
  • Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life;

  • Separating what is important from what is irrelevant, or a distraction;

  • Motivating yourself;

  • Building your self-confidence, based on successful achievement of goals

Good luck in setting your goals for 2008!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

HI-Q la Iasi

HI-Q trupa mea favorita au cantat aseara la Iasi. A fost o petrecere privata pentru BRD. Primul concert pe anul asta al trupei in Iasi s-a bucurat de un succes deosebit in ciuda faptului ca nu au fost conditii excelente legate de sunet. Dar atmosfera a fost de nota 10+ ... lumea s-a distrat si a dansat alaturi de HI-Q!
A fost o placere sa ma reintalnesc cu bunii mei prieteni Mihai, Florin, Nico, DJ Star precum si cu noua trupa de instrumentisti pe care i-am cunoscut si care fac parte deja din marea familie HI-Q dar si cu prietenul Nicoletei.

In formula 100% live HI-Q suna matur, un sound care te face sa visezi si sa traiesti cei 11 ani de hituri, momente placute pe care le-ai trait pe muzica lor. M-am bucurat ca am avut ocazia sa-i vad in noua formula si sper ca in 2008 sa-i vad mai des prin Iasi sau prin alte parti in tara.

Un alt lucru pozitiv a fost ca ne-am distrat dupa concert. Nu au fost nevoiti sa plece la hotel sa se odihneasca si erau intr-o buna dispozitie de petrecere. Astfel dupa concert am ramas la petrecerea BRD si am petrecut cu totii.

Later edit:Multe femei frumoase pe cativa centimetri vazut-o si eu la fel ca si Florin dar din pacate a plecat prea repede...poate daca as fi actionat .... altfel ar fi fost problema si nu ar fi plecat!

Multumesc prieteni! A fost o seara frumoasa alaturi de voi.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The 7 Secrets of Highly Successful People

Alex, your secret to success is to be Enthusiastic

Your zeal for life can be infectious because you tend to take on the things you do with fervor and passion. You also place value on being well liked and developing and maintaining good work relationships.

Your positive energy and attitude can be an inspiration to co-workers. They likely feel that your presence makes the workweek go by much more easily. When problems do arise around the office, you might find that you are one of the first people called upon to resolve them.

Your diplomatic nature can make you a natural when it comes to conflict resolution because you seek ways to keep all parties satisfied. This skill can make you a popular leader. By keeping long-term ambitions in mind, you realize that fair policies make for good business.

Projecting positivity wherever you go is a quality that is not easily acquired by others. More than most, you have a knack for saying the right thing at the right time.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Handball World Championship France 2007

Today Romania won over Spain with the score 32-19. Romania has 5 victories until now at Handball World Championship in France.

Romania got 3 victories over China, Poland, and Tunisia in the first phase that made Romania get the first position in the group.

Romania got 2 victories over South Korea and Spain in the second phase.Tomorrow we will play against Hungary and Germany for the last game.

We are qualified in quarter finals. Hope we will won the Championship. In 2005 Romania lost the final of the world championship against Russia.

Bloggers Meeting Number 5

Vineri seara in Cannabis(Best Club) a avut loc intalnirea cu numarul 5 a bloggerilor din Iasi.
Au fost prezenti: Marius, Gina, Hadess, Andrei, Ines, Alex, Catalin, Noni, Mary, Ana, Maddish, Marius.

In afara de acesti bloggeri ieseni au mai fost prezenti sotia lui Marius si 2 prieteni de-ai Ginei.

A fost o seara placuta. S-a incercat un networking mai bun intre bloggeri dar discutiile s-au axat in cele din urma pe partea de internet. Astfel a fost o discutie la inceput despre Youtube si s-a continuat cu Adsense, fotbal, politica (Cu Alex in rol principal),bani din blog (aici a fost o discutie interesanta), portaluri care iti pot aduce cu adevarat bani daca reusesti sa ai o idee originala si sa aduci ceva nou,, Google Analytics,etc.

Poze gasiti la Seedee care a venit branduit cu un tricou negru pe care puteam admira adresa blogului.

All in all a fost o seara placuta(mai putin partea de blitzuri de la aparatele foto). Sper ca data viitoare sa reusim sa ne adunam mult mai multi si sa reusim sa discutam despre un proiect comun al bloggerilor din Iasi. Oricum e bine ca incep sa se miste lucrurile si pe la noi.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Trust game

Last year in december I was trying to build a team in order to participate at Trust game.
Trust it's a management game based on an unique business case. Actually teams of 5 students takes up the role of Board Directors of a newly acquired company: they must set up a 3 year strategic plan and build trust of company stakeholders.

This game it's organized by Danone, and it's played in 12 countries (Turkey,Argentina,Brazil,Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia,Spain,Poland, Indonesia,China,Portugal,France).

The most important steps of the game:
  • November 29th, 13.00 : Meet you in Polytechnic University (Senate Meeting Room)
  • December 3rd, 14.00 : Meet you in ASE ( Agir Meeting Room) -Big Picture
  • December 2007: Applying period (the site will be open for enrollments)
  • February 2008: Trust Day competition - ONE DAY event to play the competition in teams -Hope we Will be There :)
  • March 2008: Romanian Final - ONE DAY event to explain your strategy and action plan to the Board of Directors in Danone factory- And also here:)
  • April 2008 10th-11th: International Final - A two days event with the winning teams of all participants countries with the participation of Frank Riboud, the Groupe DANONE president -And here:)

I'm confident we will pass the selection and we will have the chance to play Trust in February. This year my team is composed by 4 great girls...all of us were AIESEC-ers and actually we talk the same language. The brainstorming went well and our synergic minds are ready for this great challenge!

We started to build our team name and our motivation for participating in this game and I'm very happy about the great job we're doing till now.

More to come soon!

We want to experience today the way we will manage the future tomorrow!

Cel mai misto cadou

Tocmai am primit o leapsa de la Gina despre cel mai misto cadou pe care am putea sa-l primim. Este un concurs organizat de UPC special pentru bloggeri.

Se apropie sarbatorile de iarna dar inca nu mi-am facut un wishlist...ce-i drept stiu ca cel mai mult imi lipseste in momentul de fata un aparat foto digital. Aveam un Sony doar ca s-a stricat.
Sunt pasionat de fotografie si mi-as dori un aparat foto profesional pentru a putea surprinde mai bine diferitele aspecte ale vietii.

Cred ca cel mai potrivit cadou pentru mine ar fi un Canon Powershot S5 IS .

Mi-as mai dori o vacanta in Turcia sau in alta tara din ASIA sau America de Sud.

Dau mai departe leapsa la Andrei, Mono, Maddish, Andra, Andi.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

BlogMeeting -Friday 7.12.2007

De la Gina si de la Marius aflam despre o noua intalnire a bloggerilor din Iasi.
Cred ca este intalnirea cu numarul 4 sau 5(?) dupa ce Andrei a fost cel care le-a initiat pe primele.

M-am ocupat si eu de organizarea unei intalniri a bloggerilor din Iasi la care au fost prezenti Mono, Andrei, Maddish, Andreea, Claudiu, Ciprian, Alex si inca doua persoane parca.

Va asteptam Vineri, 7 decembrie , la ora 18:00 in Cannabis.

Se vrea a fi o intalnire informala, deci fara camasa, cravata sau atitudine ingamfata!

Cum zice si Gina, bem, vorbim, ne distram, poate si dansam.Se poate veni cu prietena / prietenul / sotia / sotul / fratele / sora sau alte persoane doritoare de distractie.Gina se ocupa de rezervare, deci anuntati, la mine sau la ea, care si cum veniti, sa stim!

Confirmati la Gina sau la Marius!
Sa speram ca de data asta o sa ne adunam mai multi!

Friday, November 02, 2007

New website launched:

A very good friend of mine Mihaita has launched his website.

I'm very happy that Mihai joined the virtual world and the most important thing he has success even if his website/blog have been launched only this week.

Congratz brother and don't forget to keep up the good work you're doing!

Monday, October 15, 2007

One day.One issue.Thousands of voices

Today is Blog Action Day, a day when thousands of voices (websites&blogs) decided to participate in this project by posting messages about the environment. One interesting question which I think it's important is: What would happen if thousands of blogs&websites decided to focus on one issue for one day,in an attempt of creating awareness regarding the environment we all live in?

Only together we can change something in this world and we can become more powerful if we unite our forces in order to have a sustainable environment. "The natural environment is a term that comprises all living and non-living things that occur naturally on Earth or some part of it".

Small things that can be done to save the environment:
  • turn off monitor and speakers when you're not using them, and you're away from your computer.
  • try to bike when you have the possibility
  • use recycled paper
  • recycle paper, plastic, glass
  • donate money to organizations that deal with environmental problems
  • reduce the usage of air conditioner
  • turn off lights
  • put the computers in stand-by mode when we're taking a break from work
  • using economical lightbulbs
  • plant trees
  • use less water
  • print less
  • Use less water. Try to never leave the water running unnecessarily

and many others...

Just try to realize how important is the environment we all live in ..and let's take action! We can do it everyday in order to have a green environment and let a good legacy for our children.

Special thanks to blog action day for this project and all the people that decided to take time to write some things on their blogs.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blog action day

6 days until Blog action day.
What will be doing on 15th of October?

Don't forget One issue.One day.Thousands of voices.Only together we can change something in this world and we can become more powerful if we unite our forces.

Try to promote Blog action day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

E gata clipul

Ziceam in postul precedent despre faptul ca HI-Q au filmat un nou videoclip, al doilea extras pe single de pe albumul "Best of" la piesa "Poveste fara nume".

Clipul este gata si din weekend va aparea la posturile de specialitate. Dupa parerea mea este cel mai reusit clip HI-Q. Un clip de stare care exprima sensibilitate, emotie, prietenie si o maturitate a trupei dupa 10 ani de succese.

Am crescut cu HI-Q si sunt mandru de ei, de faptul ca ne-am maturizat impreuna si de faptul ca de 10 ani se mentin pe piata la un inalt nivel. HI-Q e sinonim cu high quality, munca , pasiune si prietenie.

Acestea sunt ingredientele de succes. Cuvintele sunt de prisos si va las sa va bucurati de noul clip.

HI-Q more than words just feelings!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Hi-Q Making of Poveste fara nume - acustic 2007

Pe 31 august HI-Q trupa mea favorita au filmat un nou clip. E al doilea extras pe single de pe albumul Best of/Acustic , dupa Buna Dimineata.

Este vorba de "Poveste fara nume-acustic 2007". E o piesa care a mai beneficiat de un videoclip dar are o interpretare noua, orchestratie si structura care te fac sa visezi si sa te bucuri din plin de aventura vietii.

Sunt sigur ca vor avea succes si cu aceasta piesa sensibila asa cum s-a intamplat si cu:"Dor de tine, dor de noi" cand HI-Q au surprins promovand o balada in mijlocul primaverii.

HI-Q au implinit pe 29 Iulie 11 ani de cand s-au lansat si asa cum spuneau in "Sfarsit de septembrie" -varianta acustica:
"In toti acesti ani ne-am dat seama ca mai presus de melodii, clipuri, interviuri, emisiuni, HI-Q inseamna in primul rand prietenie" si "Insa, asa cum "Sfarsit de septembrie" este o poveste frumoasa de dragoste, HI-Q este o poveste frumoasa de prietenie intre noi , si tine..."

Enjoy! Making of Poveste fara nume -acustic 2007

Miss you guyz!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sustainable development- A new journey in my life

"We are 3 young people interested in founding a new local chapter in our city. We are interested in sustainable development issues and we want to have an impact and make people aware of the fact that only together we can change something and act for a better world.

We consider NGOs and voluntary work a great way for young people to discover and develop their potential, to learn new things by being involved in interesting projects. That’s why we want to build a new NGO.. In our city there are not so many international NGOs and we are eager to build one in order to offer new possibilities to young people to develop themselves.

We heard about oikos by browsing the internet and we liked the mission, the vision and the projects and we thought that sustainable development is something new for students from our city because they are not aware of it. We decided to ACT and change something in this field and help people to become change agents in sustainable development field.But changing curricula towards sustainable development is more challenging for us

It will be very hard to change something in the curricula because not all the teachers are open-minded. We are eager to start this job and make teachers aware of the fact that sustainable development issues is an important topic nowadays. They can attract students at their lectures if they initiate several disscusions about present problems the world is facing with
We can make people aware of sustainable issues only if we educate them. Education is a primary level to narrow the gap between today’s business practice and the guiding principles of sustainable development.

It will be a long journey for us in building this NGO in our city but we have the passion, enthusiasm, energy ,experience and we are eager to ACT regarding sustainable development issues and make world a better place for people to live.

Let’s start this journey together and make oikos grow further.In other words: “let’s inform people that they can get involved and make a difference” and let’s make things happen.
LC Iasi striving for sustainable development!"

This is the motivation letter sent by me and my team to oikos International. oikos is an international NGO, and they seek to strengthen sustainability-oriented entrepreneurship among tomorrow's leaders and decision makers by sensitising students of business and economics to sustainable development issues.

One of my objectives till the end of the year was to build an international NGO in my city. So i'm about to make things happen. Our lc(local chapter) become chapter in accession but many things have to be done. It's just the beginning of a new journey in my life and because I want to let something behind in my faculty I'll do my best to grow this NGO.

To be continued

Friday, August 31, 2007

Sustainable development

What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day?

One issue.One day.Thousands of voices.

On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.

More here:

Are u ready for this?
Are u ready to make a difference?

Let's act together for a better world!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lights at university

Proud to learn there!
Every night the university is brightened by different lights. The system is controlled by computer and is implemented by University specialists. It's nice to see that my city is trying to become an European city.

Waiting for more buildings to be lit up!
More photos here

How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

82%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Calgary Singles from Mingle2

I love blogging!

What kind of leader am I?

Really funny
I love to give that's true for sure!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Feel the beat!

Enjoy the music! Feel the beat! Liberty Parade is coming soon!

And u must be there! 28th July-29 th July Liberty Parade Arena Venus -Saturn!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

What will be my next IMPACT?

I was wondering and asking myself this days what will be my next IMPACT? I was thinking about other ways of unleashing my great potential and I'm searching for new opportunities or I'm trying to INVENT them. I'm happy that I'll be again conference manager.

Together with a part of my team(the trainers team for SPP first conference) we will organize again a new conference for Psychology students in November. Another experience for me as conference manager...Looking back at the first conference I feel more experienced and I want to improve the things that went wrong at the first conference.

I'm happy that I have the support of my team and we started preparing the conference. Actually it's individual preparation. Giani is participating in a conference held in Poland by Unesco. A conference where we applied together but I wasn't selected...Hope Giani has a great time there while she is enjoying the conference, learning useful things that will help us in preparing the conference. The main theme of the conference is EDUCATION:

"Education is a meaningful tool enabling us to introduce and to integrate young people in the world of dialogue, the world of mutual understanding, the world whose future depends on them.
Therefore we have chosen intercultural, civic and peace education as the main topic of our conference. We will approach these issues from the standpoint of non – formal education to let participants understand better the complexity of today’s world."

I participated in a conference that took place in Germany between 1st and 10th of June. The greatest conference ever for me. There were 400 students from 80 countries in Ilmenau discussing about education and the problems that the world is facing today. (More about this conference, my feelings in a next post)

Besides this conference I'm reading a lot lately trying to prepare better. I have many training materials on my notebook and hope I'll manage to read all of them. Also I've finished a book that I started in April :) No time to read because of school and other projects ...I've read Time management and how we establish our priorities by Stephen R. Covey and now I started another book "The inspirational leader" by John Adair -leadership GURU.
I haven't felt for ages the pleasure of reading something not for school , not for achieving marks just for my own knowledge. I feel great and I'm happy that I have time to FOCUS on reading.

when University starts again in Octomber I'll start my 4th year. The next University year will be focused on reading and preparing the degree paper. My degree paper will be about "Development of leadership abilities at young people"
I've experienced leadership 2 times in AIESEC and 1 time outside and I'm eager to start reading books about it and develop my personal vision, my personal opinions.

Looking back finishing the 3rd year was an interesting experience. The second semester of school was full of projects but I was enjoying preparing them because of my team and because of the fact that we had the best projects presentantion. Besides that the best marks I've achieved till now at University.

I feel comfortable being in front of people and trying to present my ideas. I can say I have good presentation skills but everytime is place to improve them. Improving is the key of the development.

I realized that I like a lot to organize conferences, to participate as delegate, to be conference manager or trainer. Conferences means for me a great learning environment , a playground where I push my limits, I use my creativity while I'm building my dreams and perform my life at high volume.

For sure in the future my training company will organize preparation programs such as conferences because adults learn better in non-formal places. Being there I reload my batteries and I'm more stronger to fight with REAL LIFE.

I'm waiting for an answer because somebody made me a proposal to help them with a conference in my city in September. A trainer from UK is coming to train people interested to work for UE. There will be a 2 days event and I'll be in the organizing team.
They will give me money but I'll join the conference for free. And the participants will have to pay fee for being trained.

So what will be my next IMPACT?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Time to think

Time to think is the motto for International Student week. It's time to think and act for a better education and for life long learning. Enjoy the photos from the first day of the conference.

Different angles from Ilmenau

Ilmenau is my city till 10th of June.

I'm spending great time here and living diversity while I'm enjoying my adventure of living. I've started the proces of learning 400 names(participants names) till the end of the conference. It's nice to see that I was adopted again by Turkey delegation.

I'll be updating soon the blog and maybe I'll write for ISWI(International Students festival) blog.Check this out!
good luck with exams and have a cold weather not hot!

Different angles from Ilmenau

Different angles from Dortmund

Different angles from Dortmund

Different angles from Dortmund

Different angles from Dortmund

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Germany here I come!

Today I'm leaving Iasi and tomorrow I'll be flying for the first time in my life. I'm going to Germany, Ilmenau for 12 days because I'm going to participate at International Students week, a festival known as ISWI.
I was selected to participate together with 400 students from 80 countries. I'm waiting eagerly because I love diversity. There will be 12 days of living diversity at high volume.
The theme of the festival is Time to think in relation with education. There will be workshops about education(education in the future,education and religion,education and ecology,education and science,psychology of learning,education and politics,education in changing times,education as human right), media , photography, design, literature, theatre,music, film , videoart. I'm waiting this festival since February when I heard I was selected.
I see this festival as a place where together with people from all over the world we will build a vision about Education, we will have a great time but the most important thing we will take time to think how we as individuals we can change something.
I have amazing feelings , emotions and I’m waiting eagerly to join the festival and together to brainstorm great ideas. To put our creativity in function in oder to have an IMPACT related to this issue. I think that we must realize that it’s time to think and act because now it’s a right moment for us to build a great learning system.
in the end:
Take a minute to think and realize if u have something to say about EDUCATION!

It’s time to think and ACT for a better world and for life long learning!
Living my life with passion while I'm building my dreams! I'll blog live from the conference because we will have wireless. I'm happy I'll visit Germany and I'm on the right track achieving my objectives for this year.

See you soon and good luck guyz with exams!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Performing my Life

I didn't post for long time on my blog but I have many interesting things to share.

Trying to perform my life at high volume and smile with my heart while I'm trying to build my dreams, my adventure of living , the new Me.I was trying to do this till now and I can say that I'm happy because I'm on the right track.

My personal objective for this year is to have an IMPACT on everything I do, for people I meet, for me. If 2005 was the year of PASSION, 2006-year of Experience , 2007 will be the year of great IMPACT.

Being conference manager for first SPP conference (26th-29 th April) was one of the most powerful experiences I passed because it was full of intensive moments, inspiring moments, moments I will never forget. I had the chance to work with a great team(Simo, Cosmin, Giani, Dragos) and together we succeeded in making things happen, a perfect learning environment where 30 people had the chance to DREAM, SMILe and use their creativity at high volume.

It's strange because it took time for me to blog my feelings regarding this conference. I was thinking a lot lately about what happened there, about my great team and the fact that at the end of the conference we realized that we succeeded in making a great team.

How was to be conference manager? After 16 conferences where I was delegate and thinking how it will be to be conference manager,to build the conference agenda and help delegates to feel good I had the chance to be. It was a long a journey that started on 24 March in Bucharest and it had the impact on 27-29 th April.

I felt responsible, I had butterflies in my stomach but I was ready to make things happen even if I encountered many challenges. There were people that motivated me to pass over and realize that I have a important mission to finish and at the end I'm happy I did it together with my great team!

I was saying that people motivate me a lot. I was happy to see that besides the challenges we had with the accomodation, the food and other things the delegates were flexible and eager to help the trainers team because they wanted to learn and have fun.

At the end of the conference I was smilling with my heart while I was reading all the beautiful messages I've received was on the way backhome in my parents car and besides smilling I was blushing while my tears appeared. In 3 days people become very close to eachother and I can say after this wonderful conference we helped them and I'm proud of their growth.

Being conference manager -a great journey , a journey that made me realize I have things to improve, a great leadership experience ..but EMPOWER! "Connect the people with the end result, INVOLVE them in the result, process, vision!!!"

Giani was saying:"Every trainer got remarked with their unique skills that made the conference special for delegates"

Sugar cubes for my team:
Simo: I want to thank you for this great opportunity, because together we built this project in the first phase , for the fact that you care about me and because you had an impact in my life.You helped me discover the real life and keep me smilling that I can change something.
Giani: I've discovered a great person and I'm happy we worked together. As I was saying it's not the end it's just the beginning and be prepared for the next projects we will build. And thank you for hugging me when I needed the most. Don't forget Challenge-dream-vision-synergy and impact"

Dragos: I remember many moments with you... We went together to TTT, we had an important role for another conference (a national conference) but I remember you cooking at this conference while I was preparing a sandwich for you.:) Thanks for being there "

Cosmin: Hope you're not mad on me. I know that we had a lot of problems during the conference and I want to thank you for your calm and for the fact that you broke some of your values in order to make things happen. Hope you've enlarged your network of contacts that will help you with your projects
Trainers team , SPP first conference 27th-29th April

Special thanks for delegates that helped us!

Monday, May 14, 2007

My strenghts

David J. Pollay, AIESEC International Hall of Fame member and President of The Momentum Project, is leading the International Leadership Strengths Research Project in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania. The mission of this research project is to help leaders become more aware of their strengths, and to encourage these leaders to fully develop their strengths in support of their goals. More than 1,000 leaders from nearly 100 countries are involved in this research project.

An analysis is being conducted to determine if leaders in an organization have a distinct strengths profile compared to others of a similar age and education. We are using the VIA Signature Strengths Survey to measure the strengths of leaders. Click here for an overview of the VIA Signature Strengths Survey.

Mr. Pollay presented the results of the first phase of this research at the International Positive Psychology Summit in Washington, D.C. in October, 2006. His paper was titled, "Strengths Profiles of Leaders in Organizations."

I've made the test and below u can see my results!

Your Top Strength

Industry, diligence, and perseverance

You work hard to finish what you start. No matter the project, you "get it out the door" in timely fashion. You do not get distracted when you work, and you take satisfaction in completing tasks.

Your Second Strength

Zest, enthusiasm, and energy

Regardless of what you do, you approach it with excitement and energy. You never do anything halfway or halfheartedly. For you, life is an adventure.

Your Third Strength

Citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty

You excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of your group.

Your Fourth Strength

Fairness, equity, and justice

Treating all people fairly is one of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance.

Your Fifth Strength


You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.


You excel at the tasks of leadership: encouraging a group to get things done and preserving harmony within the group by making everyone feel included. You do a good job organizing activities and seeing that they happen.

Social intelligence

You are aware of the motives and feelings of other people. You know what to do to fit in to different social situations, and you know what to do to put others at ease.

Forgiveness and mercy

You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge.

Hope, optimism, and future-mindedness

You expect the best in the future, and you work to achieve it. You believe that the future is something that you can control.

Kindness and generosity

You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you do not know them well.

Capacity to love and be loved

You value close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people to whom you feel most close are the same people who feel most close to you.

Curiosity and interest in the world

You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

Humor and playfulness

You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.

Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith

You have strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you.

Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness

You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a "real" person.

Creativity, ingenuity, and originality

Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible.

Love of learning

You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.

Self-control and self-regulation

You self-consciously regulate what you feel and what you do. You are a disciplined person. You are in control of your appetites and your emotions, not vice versa.

Bravery and valor

You are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions.

Appreciation of beauty and excellence

You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness

Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.

Perspective (wisdom)

Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself.

Caution, prudence, and discretion

You are a careful person, and your choices are consistently prudent ones. You do not say or do things that you might later regret.

Modesty and humility

You do not seek the spotlight, preferring to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You do not regard yourself as special, and others recognize and value your modesty.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Delegates first email

Postul asta va fi in romaneste. In calitate de conference manager al primei conferintei SPP am trimis un email pe grupul lor sa-i motivez sa vina la conferinta.

"Salut guyz and girls!
In primul rand as vrea sa o felicit pe Carmen pentru mesajul pe care l-a dat si pentru faptul ca sunt oameni care cred in NOI cei care compunem echipa de traineri ai conferintei. Totodata as vrea sa multumesc si persoanelor care au stat la inscrieri pana acuma incercand sa motiveze lumea sa vina. I

In al doilea rand eu nu o sa fiu prea colorat in seara asta si sper sa va starnesc interesul sa participati la aceasta conferinta care se anunta cu un mare IMPACT pentru ca doar IMPREUNA putem construi o viziunea persoanala a fiecaruia dintre noi..o viziune care sa ne ajute sa ne dam seama ce vrem sa facem in viata dar cel mai important WE CAN GROW together invatand unul de la altul intr-un mediu informal nu ca la scoala!

Pot sa va zic doar ca pe langa lucrurile practice pe care le vom invata gen lucrul in echipa, proactivitate, managementul proiectelor, time management, teamwork , etc ne vom simti bine impreuna incercand sa construim echipa SPP!

Cine va vor ajuta? Suntem o echipa de 5 traineri pe care ne uneste pasiunea pentru training, pentru oameni, pentru faptul ca vrem sa aducem o schimbare si vrem sa impartasim din cunostintele pe care l-am acumulat in decursul a peste 30 de conferinte la care am participat(atat locale, nationale si internationale atat ca traineri cat si delegati), faptul ca vrem sa lucram in resurse umane sau psihologia resurselor umane

De ce se merita sa vin?
-in primul rand ne vom DISTRA
-in al doilea rand ne vom DISTRA dar invatand
-in al treilea rand veti avea ocazia sa beneficiati de un training pe inteligenta emotionala a unei persoane care are companie de traininguri
-veti simti cum este o conferinta

sunt mult prea multe motive pe care le pot enumera dar asta a fost doar un pentru mai multe informatii veniti la inscriere! si sorry de emailul lung:) ]
Va doresc o seara frumoasa sau va zic "buna dimineatza" depinde cand cititi emailul
Conference Manager of SPP first conference
Proud of my team :) "

Let the journey begin! 27th-29th April SPP Conference Bucium
We are waiting for you to COME!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

WI-FI in my room

I can't sleep....I have wi-fi in my room! that's great...I found an WI-fi neighborhood network and I'm enjoying even if the signal is not good. But I need to locate from where I receive the signal in order to know where to stay with my laptop.


Now I can open internet's a progress because till now I had the chance to connect only to skype and no messenger, no msn , no websites because the signal was very low.I'm curious from where I receive the wi-fi signal because not all the time is working.

I'm the bird of night :) Enjoying my adventure of living with WI-FI!

Special thanks for the ones that have the WI-FI and share with me!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Training or learning?

I was thinking what is the difference between training and learning? If there is any difference or not. I had the chance to be "teacher" for one hour few weeks ago when after 3 years of faculty I went back to my highschool (where I learnt for 8 years...Colegiul National Iasi".
For me it was a powerful learning experience and I was glad to see that besides my bad impressions about the new generation people prove to be very opened and the most important one interested to build a good future for them and do extra school activities.

That's nice...and I'm impressed!

I was invited by my history teacher to motivate people, to talk with teenagers (11th grade)about the first edition of an project management contest I've participated when I was in highschool"Europa la liceu" (May 2004) when together with my team we won the prize for the best planned project but the most important thing to share my impressions after 3 years of high volume by having the most interesting experiences that helped me to be the person I am today.

My first team...Europa la liceu-2004
Our history teacher&Alexandra (LCVP Communication 2007-2008 LC IASI) &Mihaela&Georgiana(missing :()

It was a great day for me...being in front of 30 people but the most important of unknow people and teenagers with different values and vision about the "pursuit of happyness " ...sharing my impressions about education and about the fact that I want to make a change in this field,about ways of unleashing their potential in order to have a great IMPACT ,being asked by them about AIESEC and voluntary work made my smile. I had emotions at the beginning when I started my speach but after few minutes I felt very close to them and when the bell rang announcing the break I was upset but happy that I had a great learning experience. It was a nice hour and also because people asked me questions.

Another inspiring moment for me was when our teacher show me the"Jean Monett" classroom where I saw a special panel with diplomas and photos about this great contest I've had the chance to participate and also about the 2005 edition when another team from my highschool won a diploma. Also my diploma will remain in that classroom over years and hope my kids will have the chance to learn in the same highschool to see my diploma but not only because of this: because of the fact that my highschool is one of the most important ones from Iasi..but it's up to them!

I'm proud about my highschool, about the teachers that made me think that I can push my limits and dream to achieve great things or in other words DREAM BIG. Teachers were the ones that shaped my personality even if when I was in highschool I hated them, I'm proud about the teenagers that want to strive for excellence and mentain our highschool in tops , about the teachers that want to build a modern learning environment, about international projects developed by my highschool.

What is the connection between training or learning?

Important principles:

  • focus on learning, not training (Training is about the organisation. Learning is about the person.)
  • focus on emotional maturity, integrity, compassion - these are the characteristics that really matter
  • develop the person, not just the skills and knowledge (Skills and knowledge are the easy things. Most people will take care of these for themselves. Helping and enabling and encouraging people to become happier more fulfilled people is what employers and organisations should focus on. Achieve this and the skills and knowledge will largely take care of themselves...
  • give people choice

Give people choice in what, and how and when to learn and develop - there is a world of choice out there, and so many ways to access it all. People have different learning styles, rates of learning, and areas of interest. Why restrict people's learning and development to their job skills? Help them learn and develop in whatever way they want and they will quite naturally become more positive, productive and valuable to your organisation. (You may need to find bigger and/or different roles for them, but that's entirely the point - you want people to be doing what they are good at, and what they enjoy - this is what a good organisation is.)

In the end I feel great when I have the chance to motivate people and make them dream that they can change something. After this experience I enriched my network of contacts by becoming friend with two great girls. (One skipped my class...but she added me on messenger and we talk about life in general and I was impressed to see how she is thinking and also we have the same values, thoughts and belifies.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

SPP -A new journey in my life

What is SPP? SPP stands for "Societatea pentru psihologie" and it's Simo's baby. What will be my connection with SPP? Simo proposed me to deliver some trainings on teambuilding to get them motivated and help them build successful projects. My proposal for them was to make their first conference and be conference manager.

It all started in Bucharest , at Phoenicia, last weekend when we had a great night dreaming and getting to know eachother better but the most important thing building a vision and an interesting project. SPP will be my NEXT project and i'm eager to take this challenge. After AIESEC I feel motivated to help people around me and share the knowledge I received during several preparation programs I took part.

And I think one of my main objectives this year :"to have an impact " on everything I do will be accomplished

On wednesday I was at SPP's meeting and I was impressed by the fact that their members want to make a change and want to make a difference. I felt very good to see this thing and I'm waiting eagerly to build a proper learning environment for them during their first conference and help them build as a team.

I have butterflies in my stomach because it will be my first experience as conference manager for an student organization I don't know, for unknow people but for organization that will start an important page in their history. I have emotions and hope everything will be great for them.

But the most important thing is that I have the passion to make important things for them and at the end of the conference I want to smile with my heart as Ilinca was saying. A challenging experience in front of me...

I started to find trainers ....5 trainers will be part of my team (Dragos, Cosmin,Alex-@-ers, Simo, and one external: Dragos's mother that will deliver trainings on emotional intelligence) , think of agenda (blocks like: Building the organization vision, teambuilding, and develop their skills on topics like project management, presentation skills, teamwork, creativity, proactivity , change management), search for proper and cheap location conference manager , oc and fun team together with my team in order to help them build as a great team!

Enjoy the movie! teaser of their first conference!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mad days in Iasi

Mad days in Iasi (Moldovian Advertising Day) great event organized by Advero. Unfortunately I won't be in Iasi and I can't attend but I'm looking forward to hear news about what happened from Andrei -a friend of mine that worked hard to turn his ideas into practice. There will be many events during this 3 days but I'm sad I can't be there to attend workshops held by Marius Ursache (on branding), Costin and Elena on planning.

A great concert at the end with Al Jawala, a German band with an eclectic sound, mixing Balkan rhythms, drum'n'bass, jazz and funk.

Join the festival! Buy tickets from Libraria Carturaresti:)

Another experience soon in Bucharest

Today I went with Simo to buy tickets for an amazing experience that will enrich my adventure of living. I applied for a great event organized by SAAR (Romanian Academic Society) and I'm looking forward having a great time in Bucharest. Everything seems to be great. We will stay at 4 stars hotel,Phoenicia that has an interesting presentation on their website: "The biggest hotel built in Romania after 1990 "

I'm sure I will have an wonderful time there because I will meet with special persons for me that I haven't seen for about 3-4 years. The conference will be organized at World Trade Center for 2 days and we will try to build a vision together with 40 people from the country regarding some issues that European Union is facing:
  • Energy & Environment: The environmental and economic impact of Europe’s energy use
  • Family & Social Welfare: The social and economic conditions for Europe’s families - EU’s
  • Global Role & Immigration: The EU’s role in the world and the management of immigration

This event is called "European Citizean Consultation" and is one of the biggest ever pan-European consultation exercise designed to ensure that the public’s voice is heard by governments and policy-makers in the current debate over the European Union’s future direction following the No votes to the EU’s Constitutional Treaty in France and the Netherlands in 2005.

What is interesting? The event will take place in the same time with similiar events in other countries like : Great Britain, Sweden, Malta and Italy.

It's the first time when I have the chance to report live and blog my feelings from the event because I will have internet wireless.

So I'll be back soon with photos, impresions , feelings and thoughts.

In the end: I'm so excited :)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday I'm in love

It's been a while since I've written the last post. Today it's a nice day and I listen a great song that inspires me.

The Cure-Friday I'm love

I don't care if monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and wednesday too
Thursday i don't care about you
It's friday i'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's friday i'm in love

Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But friday never hesitate...

I don't care if monday's black
Tuesday wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's friday i'm in love

Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday wednesday stay in bed
Or thursday watch the walls instead
It's friday i'm in love

Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But friday never hesitate...

Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you eat in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's friday I'm in love

Friday, February 16, 2007

Responsabilitate sociala in Iasi

Eu sustin aceasta activitate:

Actiune de colectare si donatie de carte pentru copiii din orfelinate si centre de plasament din Iasi.

“Daca ai acasa carti pentru copii si tineri (pana la 18 ani) - carti de povesti, de colorat, beletristica sau de specialitate (manuale scolare sau carti de nivel de scoala primara / liceu) - de care te poti desparti ca sa bucuri sufletul unui copil,SI TU POTI OFERI O CARTE!

Cartile se vor colecta:Duminica, 04.03.2007, intre orele 11:00 si 14:00, in FEAA, la parter (corpul B al Universitatii). Daca nu ne vedeti/gasiti dati un telefon pe 0746 909 202."

Haideti sa promovam aceasta initiativa frumoasa si sa ajutam copii!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blog IS meeting part Reloaded

Thursday : 15.02.2007
Art-cafe (If anybody has other solution i'm in)
Hour: 18:00 o'clock (we changed the hour because of the match Steaua -FC Sevilia)

I know that bloggers from Iasi had a meeting on November but me&Andrei want to meet you again and discuss about some projects and ideas that we have.

Who's in?

For those interested I'm waiting for a confirmation here at comments. Spread the news around in the blogsphere world:)

Ps: One of the themes can be "Blog about Iasi". A blog where to present our city in 2007, built together(photos, comments about city problems, events that take place in our city in 2007 , stories about Iasi, interviews with different personalities about old "Iasi" ....BRAND IASI!

What do you think? We can do it?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tiesto my favourite DJ

I like house music and Tiesto is my favourite DJ.My winamp is playing Just be. It's a great saturday morning that inspires me to think and reflect about the IMPACT I want to have in this world!

Just Be

..I was lost..
and I'm still lost
but I feel so...
..much better...

You can travel the world
But you can't run away
From the person you are in your heart
You can be who you want to be
Make us believe in you
Keep all your light in the dark
If You're searching for truth
You must look in the mirror
And make sense of what you can see
Just be
Just be

They say learning to love yourself
Is the first step
That you take when you want to be real
Flying on planes to exotic locations
Won't teach you
How you really feel
Face up to the fact
That you are who you are
And nothing can change that belief
Just be

Cause now I know
It's not so far
To were I go
The hardest part is inside me
I need
To just be
Just be
I was lost
And I'm still lost
But I feel so much better

Cause now I know
It's not so far
To were I go
The hardest part is inside me
I need
To just be

Just be

Storm of thougts

It's saturday morning and I woke up at 7:00 o'clock. It's very strange for me to wake up at this hour on saturday morning. Even if I have exam today that is at 17:00 o'clock.

Something strange is happening with me. Maybe I'm tired of learning but my soul is like a storm of thoughts and I'm eagerly waiting to finish the exam session to Start the new path in my life. Since I left AIESEC I was searching for opportunities and ways of unleashing my potential. I've discovered many interesting things in the real life and I'm sure that this year I will have a great IMPACT on everything I do.

Learning for exams made me reflect about Education. It was time to think how can I change something in the educational system in Romania, How can I have an Impact for the new generation of young people that are playing computer games instead reading books..

I'm so afraid about the new generation ... they have the tools but they don't use them efficiently. I was thinking if I can make a change I must start from the lowest level...kindergarten and maybe private school! I know that it's early to talk about such dreams but I'm sure that the IMPACT I want to have in this world is related to community!

Ya IT's Time to Think and ACT...all of us must realize that we must have an impact in the educational system. Only together we can change something and make a better system. It is said, it's one of the mainstays of the civilisation. It brings us the knowledge that can relieve world suffering and is further yet present in change, plight and rebuilding. It generates the gaps which is meant to close. For some it is the highest ambition , for others a necesarry evil.

I talk about education!

This is the first part about my storm of thoughts related to EDUCATION! I need to go and study because I have 2 more exams and after I'm free to reflect and share my storm of thougts. I need to make an essay about about education in relation with the motto "Time to think"

Till then: "Live as if you will die tomorrow, but learn as if you will live forever" (Gandhi)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

De ce imi place HI-Q?

Andreea mi-a trimis povestea ei legata de HI-Q. Deoarece nu are blog m-a rugat pe mine sa o fac publica pe blogul meu.

A fost o vreme in viata mea cand ma simteam pierduta, prin ganduri, prin lume, prin viata. Oameni dragi mie au plecat acolo sus fara sa inteleg de ce. Dar „cineva” a stiut sa-mi vorbeasca, sa ma asculte, sa-mi invaluie sufletul cu caldura si dragoste, sa se apropie de inima mea asa cum nu reusit nimeni altcineva, sa ma iubeasca si sa-mi daruiasca cei mai superbi ani din viata mea, de fapt i-am construit impreuna pas cu pas, zi de zi. Mii de clipe petrecute impreuna, sute de amintiri frumoase, zeci de vise, unele s-au dus, altele au ramas cu mine.

”A trecut atata timp / Nu mai stiu sa-ti spun ce simt / Si mie dor de tine mie dor de noi / Si as vrea sa te am langa mine” sunt versurile ce imi aduc mereu aminte de noi, de obiceiurile noastre, de zambete, de lacrimi, de povestea noastra. Ne iubim si acuma desi nu mai suntem impreuna, da ne iubim si stim amandoi asta dar ceva ne desparte, nu stiu ce, nu stiu de ce ...

Tot ce simt imi aminteste de el: locuri, poze, melodii... Poate pare o poveste de dragoste trista, eu nu o vad deloc asa, ma bucur de tot ce am trait si ca am avut ocazia sa am langa mine un om cu totul special.

Ne leaga sentimente, clipe, amintiri, vise, lacrimi, zambete si un cantec „ Dor de tine, dor de noi”

Sunt curios ce povesti va leaga de melodiile HI-Q? De dragoste, tristete,fericire?:)

Nice thoughts

Next week I will have 4 exams and I hope everything will be just fine.

This week I had two exams: I took a 7 and 6 -not great marks but still I passed them.

Thought of the day:

"There are special people that we meet in life who seem to make life's journey a little easier. Those people are like a candle that shows the obstacles in your way so that Life is easier to deal with."

Friday, January 26, 2007

The world of blogging

I've discovered the world of blogging last year and I decided to have my own blog as a personal learning tool that will help me in the proces of being a change agent. I see the world of bloging as a learning environment where I can express my feelings, share my knowledge and create my own playground, my own space. In our country we don't have too many blogs but I know till the end of the year there will be more.

Blogfest is a great opportunity developed by bloggers from Bucharest.As I said in one of the previous messages they want to create a romanian blog community. They have physical meetings and discuss many interesting things.
Last one was yesterday. For more info click here:

People get attracted day by day by the world of blogging ..Some use their blog to share their life experience (personal blog) , other use their blog to share information and other use their blog to post interesting photos(photo blogs).

I was thinking this year to make a change... To get a balance in my blog! To share my personal feelings and also to get a profesional approach and market my blog.
I've found a great article about how to promote your blog. Some tips:

1 Write well, write consistently, don’t give up: All the marketing in the world won’t help you if you have a lame-duck blog. In your search for more traffic, more promotion, and more publicity, never forget it starts with great content — and needs to continue with great content on a regular schedule. There’s no question that maintaining quality and regularity is difficult while you’re starting out, particularly if you’re time strapped … but hang in there, because if you sacrifice this, all of your marketing efforts will be for naught.

2 Become an expert on something: Develop a keen interest, continue to read and write intelligently, and after a while, your experience will grant you this informal title; bloggers will seek you out, your reknown will grow, and it will be easier to be noticed, linked to, and get cross promoted (see below)

3 Design is more important than you think: Your mother’s right — first impressions count, and they can count for cash money. If you’re serious about blogging, don’t stick with an unaltered top10 Wordpress theme no matter how cool you think it is. You want to separate and elevate yourself from the blogging masses, and its impossible to do if you look exactly the same as them. Easy to say, hard to do, but absolutely necessary if you don’t have the money to pay for a private ground-up theme: learn CSS and a photoeditor of choice, and learn to tweak your theme yourself, so that your blog looks professional, stands out, and screams “yes, I am worthy of your attention!”.

4 Get Your SEO On: An entire post in and of itself — get your own domain name, host your own blogging software, enable permalinks, use create keyword rich headlines, create unique title tags, enable trackback and ping functionality, ensure your blog pings pinging-services.

5 Do interviews with other bloggers: Score interviews with newsworthy individuals (who may be linked to newsworthy content), to create link worthy content, but more importantly, create news on THEIR blog to get back to YOUR blog.

First part of this article. It seems interesting and I will try to increase my traffic and market my blog.